Guidance For Your Real Estate Transactions
If you are looking for a lawyer to help you understand and carry out a real estate transaction in Utah, you have come to the right place. At Weber Law Group, PLLC, we pride ourselves in our customer service, attention to detail and knowledge of all steps in any real estate transaction. We would like to know about the real estate transactions you are considering now.
All Types Of Property-Related Contracts, Deeds And Transfers
The attorneys at Weber Law Group, PLLC are experienced in drafting and negotiating transactions for all parties in a real estate transaction, including purchasers, sellers, developers, landowners, tenants, commercial landlords and investors.
We regularly draft deeds, encumbrances and other real estate documents for clients. We provide guidance on real estate purchases, sales and exchanges throughout Utah and other states.
Our attorneys in Lehi have advised clients through routine and complicated closings, including tax deferred exchanges of real property under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Property Development, Commercial Leases And More
Many of our clients are involved in real estate development. We have the expertise to navigate through the challenges and obstacles which inevitably arise in the development process. Our real estate attorneys also address finance, leasing, lease options and property management concerns. We represent landlords and tenants in negotiation and preparation of leases for retail, industrial, multitenant and other commercial property transactions.