When Foreclosure Is Possible Or Inevitable
The threat of foreclosure can frighten homeowners and other property owners. Sometimes there are ways to avoid or stop foreclosure. In other situations, it becomes not a matter of if but when foreclosure till take place.
As much of a failure as your coming foreclosure may seem, it may actually be the lesser of evils. Yes, you will have to vacate the property — but you will also free yourself of a loan you could not afford. If foreclosure of your property is inevitable, you have the opportunity to press the foreclosing entity for fair terms. We can help with that.
At Weber Law Group, PLLC we represent a variety of people in foreclosure cases. Our attorneys have represented borrowers and creditors in the foreclosure process. Our attorneys have conducted nonjudicial foreclosure sales on behalf of banks and other financial institutions, and have represented distressed homeowners through the mortgage workout process.
We understand the judicial and nonjudicial foreclosure process in Utah, and can advise clients at any point in the process from either perspective. We also help clients negotiate deeds in lieu of foreclosure, loan modifications and other alternative resolutions.